Zina Ashley
Zina Ashley is a gifted teacher with the ability to explain complex concepts simply. She is very knowledgeable of Scripture and can readily apply Old and New Testament Scriptures to contemporary situations. Students find her straightforward approach to teaching refreshing. She has held the positions of young people’s director, Sunday school teacher, missionary, stewardess and intercessor in her church. She holds the distinction of being the first student in the KBI School of Prophecy and now teaches the full range of courses from introductory to ministry in the prophetic. Her specialty area in the Lay Teachers Training Program is the Gospels.
Zina is a lifelong Christian who is active in her A.M.E. Church in Hampton, Virginia.

Rev. Deloris Clair
Rev. Deloris Clair has the temperament of a Scripture archaeologist who gladly digs into the word and will not rest until every minute detail is methodically investigated and dissected. She has taught in public school and within other professions. She has a master’s degree in Old Testament Studies from Maple Springs Baptist College and Seminary, and a bachelor’s degree from Saint Paul’s College in Lawrenceville, VA. She has distinguished herself as a Pentateuch scholar with a wealth of knowledge and insight that only comes from intense study and relentless pursuit of every footnote entry. When Deloris teaches, students learn. Her intense delivery style lets students know she is serious. She is a line by line, concept by concept teacher who demonstrates her love for the word.
Deloris is an ordained minister on the ministerial staff of her church in Greenbelt, Maryland. Romans 12:2 is a scripture that resonates in her spirit: “be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Rev. Saundra Glenn
Rev. Saundra Glenn has teaching in her DNA. It is more than what she does when she stands before a class, or sits to write meticulous lesson plans, or pours over reference books in search of a fuller meaning of the text. Saundra is an engaging teacher who gives her students the freedom to independently discover the essence of the lesson as they dig into the word.
Saundra is a professionally trained educator with a M.Th. in Biblical Studies from Liberty University, a B.S. degree in secondary education from Norfolk State University, and a M.A. in Human Resources from George Washington University. She also has attended church-sponsored Bible institutes and participated in systematic Bible study groups for many years.
She teaches Acts and The General Epistles as well as The Intertestamental Period – the 400 years between the Old and New Testaments. The Intertestamental Period is a course she particularly excels in teaching. Through her skillful research and analysis of extra biblical scholarly works, she has led students to a fresh, rich, in-depth study of this under-appreciated period that influenced the gospel writers.

Diane Harris
Diane Harris teaches with passion. It’s like drinking water out of a fire hose: fast moving, intense, and powerful. She teaches Old Testament Wisdom Literature and a variety of New Testament subjects, where she rattles off background information on the gospel writers and leaps through Paul’s letters with agility and gusto. Her energy is infectious and students seem to quickly learn the art of drinking water from a fire hose. Isaiah 55:1 comes to mind when I think of her, “Come, all who are thirsty, come to the water; and you who have no money, come and eat!”
Diane is a graduate of Norfolk State University with a degree in history. One needs only to sit through one class to grasp her appreciation of biblical history as foundational for understanding how to interpret and apply ancient truths to 21st century events. Diane uses her gift of teaching in her community as well. She volunteers to teach table etiquette and basic money management to young, at-risk students. Additionally, she volunteers with the YMCA Black Achievers in Franklin, VA and Friends of Fresh Star in Southampton County.
Diane is the Christian Education Director at her church, and teaches Sunday school and adult Bible study.

Genease Pettigrew
Genease Pettigrew combines the gift of teaching with her well-honed research skills and abilities to produce a remarkably fresh approach to Bible study. Her ability to unearth hidden facts, revealed through her keen sense of connecting seemingly unrelated data to well exposed biblical information, inspires students to think differently about mysteries of the Bible. The Protestant Reformation is one of her teaching specialties.
In her professional capacity, she has taught many courses on taxes, government affairs, and organizational strategies and formulation, and served as workshop facilitator. She is a graduate of the University of Maryland with a degree in economics.
As a continuing Bible study student, Genease has taken many classes, and attended The Bible Institute at Bibleway Free Will Baptist Church in Philadelphia. Identification of her spiritual gift of teaching came as a result of her in-depth research and organizational abilities demonstrated in a KBI Advanced Bible Study class. Once identified, she now embraces her gift with delight.

Rev. Karen Portman
Rev. Karen Portman is director of the School of Prophecy, and is responsible for curriculum development and guidance of teachers in that specific program area. She teaches the full range of courses in this curriculum and provides strategic planning for course development and delivery. Karen is gifted in the fivefold ministry and operates in each area with exceptional spiritual anointing. She is ordained as a prophetess and is a highly sought-after preacher and minister at conferences, workshops and retreats. Under her leadership, the School of Prophecy attracts students from many regions who seek to hone their spiritual gifts. Karen has led the intercessory ministries in her church and has organized prayer ministries in several churches on the East Coast.
In her ministry she is under the leadership and authority of Fellowship Around the Word Church in Franklin, Virginia.

Cynthia Speight
Cynthia Speight is a gifted teacher who uses her skills in her professional and sacred life. As a speech and language pathologist she has worked in public schools, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers and the Veterans Hospital. Her primary task is to teach people who have lost their ability to communicate how to speak again. In the School of Prophecy, Cynthia teaches people how to hear and speak the words inspired by the Holy Spirit. Additionally, she teaches Early Church History: From Jesus to Constantine.
She is a graduate of Old Dominion University with a Master of Science degree in speech and language pathology, and a graduate of Norfolk State University with a B.A. degree in the same field. Inspired to create a flag ministry, she has developed a teaching on the role of worship in intercession. She designs and makes flags for worship. She is a lifetime member of an A.M.E. Church in Hampton, VA, where she serves as leader of the intercessory ministry. Cynthia’s teaching strength is in intimate surroundings where she has one-on-one or small group encounters. She has the innate ability to gently zero in on the unspoken need of her students, ministering to them heart to heart.

Jacqueline Williams
Jacqueline Williams is a prototype teacher admired by her peers, students, and superiors. Her exceptional teaching gift puts her in leadership roles that go beyond typical classroom environments. She is often invited into boardrooms, counseling sessions, leadership conferences and company strategic planning meetings as a teacher and facilitator. Jacqueline has a heart of service and her teaching gift is used to prepare God’s people for works of service…to equip the equippers. Jacqueline is a sign language interpreter in post–secondary classroom settings and often signs for church services and conferences.
A consummate student, Jacqueline has two master’s degrees, one in public administration and the other in social work. She has teaching experience as a community outreach coordinator at Capital Hospice, where she provides clinical and community education and awareness of compassionate care at the end of life.