Juanita Smith
President Emeritus/Immediate Past President
As a teacher with years of experience with adults in small group settings, Juanita envisioned transforming traditional Bible study into an innovative, mobile-friendly experience for students. This vision is now a reality in Kingdom Building Institute. Here, Juanita has distilled that knowledge into a refreshing Bible study strategy that engages students.
Juanita’s enthusiastic style inspires students to transition from simply reading the Bible to studying and being transformed by it. She makes ancient words originally written in another language, culture, and time become relevant in our modern day, technology-driven world.
Juanita is retired from the federal government, where she served as director of human resources for a Department of Defense agency. She has a degree in Elementary Education from Norfolk State University and is a graduate of Ebenezer Bible Institute in Fort Washington, Maryland. She is a lifelong Christian and attends church in Hampton, Virginia, where she organized the Intercessory Prayer ministry and served as its leader for eight years. Her personal foundational scripture is, “Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2

Willie Smith
Willie has distinguished himself as a leader in every area of his life.He is a retired vice president of an international chemical company, former elected school board president, and served on many conference-level boards in the Methodist church and other community organizations. He is a highly sought-after consultant and strategist.
Willie is a lifelong member of the Methodist Church. Over the years he has been a Sunday school teacher, Sunday school superintendent, and leader of Men’s Home Fellowship Study groups. His Bible knowledge, international work experience, and low-key, approachable style make him a magnet for individuals and groups seeking strategic guidance in tackling thorny issues. He is a results oriented thinker who uses data to underpin action plans. In all situations, Willie allows the teachings of Jesus to instruct the way he relates to people.
Willie is a graduate of Cleveland State University with a degree in chemistry, and a graduate of Ebenezer Bible Institute. His spiritual guidepost is found in Psalm 27, “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?”

Diane Harris
Diane H. Harris is a retired federal employee with 35 years of service. Most of her career was spent in leadership roles in the area of human resources. Before retirement, she served as the deputy director of human resources, and director of labor and employee relations for the Defense Commissary Agency in Fort Lee, VA. A founding member of Kingdom Building Institute, Diane was instrumental in setting its vision and teaching philosophy.
Diane currently serves as Christian Education Director and leader of the intercessory prayer ministry for her church. She is a native of Suffolk, VA and a graduate of Norfolk State University with a Bachelor of Arts in history.

Rev. Saundra Glenn
Saundra Glenn is a retired federal employee who spent her career in all areas of training and education, from directing programs to counseling to curriculum/program development. She holds a Bachelor of Science in secondary education from Norfolk State University, a Master of Arts in guidance and counseling from George Washington University, and a Master of Theology in Biblical Studies from Liberty University. She is a founding member of the board and has been affiliated with the school from its inception.
Saundra is an ordained minister who has been a Christian all of her life and currently leads the education and healing ministries at her church in Greenbelt, Maryland.

Genease Pettigrew
Genease Pettigrew worked for a nationally-syndicated columnist and television and radio commentator, where her responsibilities included research of economic, social, and political issues. Her degree in economics from the University of Maryland provided the essential background for her work. She also worked many years as a tax practitioner and is a certified enrolled agent qualified to represent clients before the Internal Revenue Service.
Genease has held many leadership positions in her church, including head of membership, financial secretary, chairman of budget and finance committee, and chairman of the board of trustees. She has been associated with KBI from its inception.
Genease is an active member of her church in Philadelphia, PA.

Rev. Karen Portman
School of Prophecy Director
Karen Portman is the School of Prophecy director for Kingdom Building Equipping School. It was through her vision and revelation that KBI was founded. Karen is a program manager and facilitator for a large consulting company, where she works in strategic planning, marketing, and event planning. Karen’s fivefold ministry gift enables her to minister in many areas. Prophecy is her ordained gift. She is a Kingdom trailblazer who has started many intercessory prayer ministries, conducted worship workshops, mentored youth and developed prophecy courses.
She is under the direction of Fellowship Around the Word Church, where she is a member of the leadership team.

Dr. Valerie Hall
Vice President
Valerie Hall is curriculum and education director for Kingdom Building Institute. She has more than ten years of university level teaching and program leadership experience. Valerie is an associate professor and department chair at Thomas Nelson Community College in Hampton, VA. She possesses an undergraduate public health degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Master of Arts from East Carolina University. In 2015, she earned a Ph.D. in urban services leadership from Virginia Commonwealth University.
Dr. Hall serves on the leadership team in her church, where she ministers as a preacher, teacher, and leader in youth programs, creative arts, prayer, Sunday school and adult Bible study.

Zina Ashley
Zina Ashley has worked in the accounting field for over 30 years, in various states through her travel as a military spouse. She has held the positions of bank teller, loan consultant, accountant, and state income tax/real estate tax relief examiner. Prior to her taking early retirement, she held a position as Deputy Commissioner of the Revenue.
Over the years she has served as a Sunday school teacher, Young Peoples Division Director, Women’s Missionary Secretary, and a member of the Stewardship and Finance Committee at her local church. Zina has been associated with Kingdom Building Institute (KBI) since its inception.
She is a KBI teacher, intercessor and stewardess in her local Hampton, Virginia church. She is an active missionary who endeavors to travel abroad to minister, teach and serve others. One of her favorite Scriptures is John 15:16, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit….”
She attended Mesa College in San Diego, California, where she studied Business Administration and Accounting.